Thursday, March 27, 2008

Morocco Chapter 1

Alright, I am actually going to start with the day before I left. This was my roommate, Becky’s last full day here, so she was trying to do everything she hadn’t had a chance to do in the last three months hehe. So we were busy but we had a lot of fun! We got ice cream that morning and rode in paddle boats with some other girls on the Guadalquivir River. Although a work out for the thighs it was gloriously beautiful (the weather was perfect) and relaxing at the same time. That night we had a party at the center (my school) and my intercambio came so it was cool to talk to her and her classmates. Then a lot of us went and got churros and chocolate (delicious!) and hung out by the river for a little while. Becky was determined to have me taste her favorite beer (Guinness) so we went with two other girls to a bar. I took a sip of her beer and wasn’t a fan…but we had fun hanging out while she finished it and laughing when the bar tender gave her a big Saint Patrick’s Day hat. Then we decided to go home, and since it was like 2 in the morning we didn’t want the other too girls to walk alone. But they lived in too different opposite directions, and meanwhile I had to be at the bus to leave for Morocco at 5:45 am. So we walked both of them like halfway home and by the time we got back it was like 3am, and I still had to finish packing! I had to say bye to Becky that night too…which was really weird because neither of us were actually leaving…I was walking to the bathroom to take a shower and she was going to bed. It was very sad though nonetheless…God is so good because we got along great and it felt like we had known each other for way more than two months! I miss her very much!! So between packing and talking to Becky and then saying bye to Becky and then showering it wasn’t until like 4:30 that I got in bed. After all that I was wide awake and didn’t exactly sleep at all during the 30 minutes I laid there! Then it was up again to meet Joanne and a couple other girls at like 5:15 to walk to where the bus would be.

Well geez I didn’t even get to the actually Morocco part! Just increasing your anticipation :) But I have to go home now because it’s Magdalena’s sister’s birthday today and she made some type of dessert so I am going to go have that with them.

Oh PS I read my other entry from the other day and I had to edit a typo so just to clarify it should have been "Isabel's roommate's boyfriend" not girlfriend lol if anyone even remembered that... I think I am going to follow my mom's advice and start making time to read through these things before I post them! hehe


Anonymous said...

haha you're so cute..."I didn't even get to the actually Morocco part!" :) and i'm excited you tried the beer that my name comes from! :) haha my sister loved that stuff when she was in ireland last summer. love you!

Anonymous said...

Just a don't have to be in Ireland (or Espana) to enjoy the sweet goodness of Guinness. :)

Cheryl said...

you did a very good job increasing my anticipation! hehe im super excited about reading your new post about morocco ;) btw, i do love churros!